Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Let's have a more positive Ireland!

So the farmers are protesting now, blocking the country with tractors. What good will that do? The sympathy that existed for them will evaporate very quickly when people who want to get to work cannot do so or when those going to a doctor are blocked from getting there by a protest that has nothing to do with them.

Last week it was the students, next week the unions and so on and so forth. When will it stop?
Ireland is in free fall and all we can do is rail against society for our own parochial interests instead of getting together and acting positively to save the country.

We ignore the power of common purpose and positivity. We are anti-everything. Our actions are akin to throwing buckets of water into the lifeboats instead of out.
Mother Theresa put it well: "I will never go to an anti-war rally but show me a peace rally and I will be there"

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