Thursday, January 29, 2009


"Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalised, and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism"

Who said this?

Was it Barack Obama two years ago as he began his presidential campaign?
No, it wasn’t.

Perhaps it was Fidel Castro, some ten years ago, as he predicted with eerie certainty the mess that the greedy capitalist economy would end up in if it didn’t mend its ways
No, wrong again.

It had to be Putin five years ago when the Russian leader gave that powerful speech at the G8 summit that had the media scrambling to describe him as madman for such crazy visions and accusing him of trying to divide the world into the prehistoric set-up that existed when Brezhnev was in power in the seventies.
No definitely not, but at least you are in the right country.

It was Karl Marx, Das Kapital, 1867!

Scary isn’t it?

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Four Marys

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Sunday, January 18, 2009


Wouldn’t that shower of assholes in RTE just get on your wick? I had the misfortune of being driven to watching some TV over the last few weeks due to being temporarily incapacitated.
Not being a one to watch much television, apart from the news - and that is so bad that I now no longer look at it for fear of the attraction of the mental home or the local river – I found myself stuck looking at what passes for entertainment on RTE.
If the Government is serious about making cuts, as it should be, given the scale of the crisis we are in, then the first thing to go should be RTE. I don’t know how much money is collected from the licence fee each year but I imagine it is a hefty few dozen million.

The government should continue to collect it and allocate it towards the various needy institutions that are having their budget cut because of the financial crisis. Why not give it to the HSE so that they could implement the cervical cancer vaccine programme for 12-year old girls, which that heartless bitch of a Mary Harney cut recently. That only cost €10 million per annum. The TV licence fees bring in much more than that.
Dispense with idiots such as Pat Kenny, Gerry Ryan, and Ryan Turbidy etc. and spend the money on something that will save lives instead of puffing the egos of publicity craving presenters.
RTE has become an incestuous organization, full of its own importance whilst at the same time being a moral coward, pandering to the views of its left/right stance of producers and presenters.
Take the so-called chat shows for instance. The Late Late Show, presented by that insufferable egotistical dope of a Pat Kenny, boasts of being the longest running chat- show in the world. RTE describe it as light entertainment.
Light is the word indeed! It should be set alight along with the presenter and most of the guests!
That asshole Kenny would make anyone cringe at his lack of interviewing skills. The nation should be embarrassed by having this clown loose on the airwaves and destroying what little is left of the reputation of the country. If you put up a cardboard cutout of Kenny in place of the real yoke, there would be a better conversation with the guests.
There are better discussions about current affairs in the recreation room of the National Centre of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind.
Of course, most of Kenny’s guests are other RTE presenters pushing their own show or book. You might as well be in the RTE canteen such is the level of promotion by one egotist of another egotists work. Various Z-listers being made famous by X-lister presenters.
Charley Bird was on the show some weeks back about moving to America to the RTE correspondent over there. Jesus, you’d think that with the fawning interview by Kenny that he was going to Obama’s right hand man.
The eejit wasn’t a week in the place when he brought down a plane in the Hudson River. I seen the headline on RTE myself; “Bird causes plane to crash in New York river”. The fucker hasn’t even reached Washington yet and he is causing mayhem.

Turbidy Tonight is another piece of shite on a Saturday night. This guy is not a person at all. He is a skeleton of a child with a pinstripe suit hanging off him and a head on top found in the lost section of the RTE props department. He is radio controlled to make fast movements and talk fast garbage by some production assistant in the background who demands to be fed a kilo of cocaine before he will manipulate the controls that makes Turbody appear like…. well, like a skeleton on coke.
He does the usual incestuous interviews with other RTE stools, such as that insufferable Twink one, (or does she call herself Adele King now?).
She used to be a great ride, but could you imagine listening to her next morning, whining and moaning on your shoulder; “that bastard of a David Agnew, the dirty rotten fucker, married to me and riding a one young enough to be his daughter. The two-faced cunt!” (See uTube)
That is what she does for a living, not riding, but moaning and whining and appearing on shitty shows like Turbidy promoting shitty shows like her own.
Anyway, I am well again and thank God, I don’t have to watch the drivel produced with all the million we pay to RTE.
Truly, your health is your wealth.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Quangos are quivering!

Just two weeks into January 2009 and reality is starting to bite in the various hiding holes of those lazy, incompetent public servants who staff the so-called Quangos. These are Non-Governmental-Organizations (NGO’s) appointed as advisers to the advisers, who then advise the more senior advisers to hire outside consultants to further advise on the very complex matters that they deal with every day, such as who is responsible for changing the bog roll in the Society of the Disenchanted Public Guardians. Such pressure! And, importance.
So much to do and so much more time and money to do it.
Well, your days are numbered: your time is up.
An Bord Snip, (great moniker) chaired by Colm Mc Carthy, a man noted for not taking any shit (so no need for bog paper in above organization, then) is on the march.
His brief is to snip the crazy and unnecessary costs incurred by the self-serving, loathsome, arse-licking, low-life species that occupy the boards of these quangos.
Appointed by ministers or civil servant mandarins as a reward for obscure services ranging from the ability to be loud and pontificating in Doheny and Nesbitts, or the more important task of giving a damn good blow-job to the frustrated Junior Minister every Tuesday to relax him before he answered a question in the Dail, these people extracted millions and millions from the system in the last decade.
The good news now is that they are all doomed. No more fancy perks, un-vouched expenses, free facials. Back on the mean streets the whole fecking lot of you! Lie down with that beggar there and share a few snots! Now you know what a recession means!
But will we be able to deal with the awful reality that somehow the country will have to survive without The Organization for Tattoos on Big Dicks, Fitzwilliam Sq, Dublin 2.
Disaster of course strikes with the imminent closure of the National Hair Lice Assessment Board, Merrion Street, Dublin 2. It is such a shock. Makes the closure of Dell resemble a laundrette closing down really, doesn’t it?
In the IFSC, when word reached them that McCarthy was on his way, all the staff of The Central Board of Financial Aid for Deceased Persons, took the decision collectively to jump from the top of the IFSC.
The shame was too much for them. Cleverly, though, they filled out their own forms for aid to help them on their way as their last act. Ha! Ha! They had the last laugh on McCarthy. It gave them a great feeling of peace as they soared through the air into the bowels of the Liffey.
More next week on the sheer terror that is sweeping through the boardrooms of the Quangos as Mc Carthy stalks the streets of Dublin with his huge scissors.
Who is next? Was that a scream I heard in the distant darkness? Or, was it the Junior Minister getting his last ever blow job?
Truly, McCarthy you have no mercy in your bones at all!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Well, here we at the end of another week of carnage in the in the Irish jobs market. As predicted here and everywhere else twelve months ago, Dell walked this week, shedding 1900 direct jobs in Limerick with another possible 10,000 jobs in service providers that now longer have Dell with which to provide a service. That is on top of the thousands of other jobs that have quietly disappeared since last Monday over all sectors of Irish business without any fanfare. We are now losing 5,000 jobs per week – per week!
We have the Government agencies making the usual “task force for Limerick” bullshit statements as though as though a cavalcade of armed and dangerous job-creators would hit the city on Monday and replace 12,000 jobs before the end of the month – no questions asked! Mary “Dopey” Coughlan will spearhead the attack in one of her more insane outfits and all will be well.
Whom in Gods name do we all think we are fooling?
What company in its right mind - from any country- would consider locating in Ireland when you see what they have to put up with in terms of their cost base?
We have killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Greed has killed it – greed from government, workers, suppliers, local authorities, union bosses, company bosses, bankers, lawyers etc., etc. (Insert your own segment)
We have come through fifteen years of a property boom, not an economic boom.
That property boom has destroyed the cost base of the real economy – the one that actually makes things, products, tools, computers, food and drinks - real items exported for purposeful use.
The profits of the artificial property boom were funnelled into such magic creations as derivatives swaps, CFD’s, EFTs and other such financial products traded between small minorities of the economic partners. Very little went into real creation of structures and facilities to deal with the down turn, which inevitably would come just as day follows night.
The government long ago gave up the fight against rising costs. Sweetheart deals between unions and a weak employer’s body, IBEC, meant cost of labour in all industries went through the roof. Forklift drivers in Coca Cola were taking home a €1000 a week five years ago. Anybody with a truck licence could walk onto a building site five years and command a €1000 for a 39-hour working week. Cleaners were driving into Waterford Glass in BMWs – new BMWs, not the crappy 15-year old ones that you would see the Polish workers driving.
Bertie Ahern declared the pay talks a resounding success as crazy rises were awarded. All is well, he cried, as he struggled to walk to his car because of the buggering he got from the unions. Most rapes go unreported – a press release about this one was sent to the Rape Crisis Centre by courier.

Whilst taking in vast amounts of taxes through the front door during the boom, the government just threw it out the back door to the public service monolith, pet projects and criminal waste. They might as well have set fire to it all. They did set fire to it. There are little or no benefits evident from the boom by which we might attract business into Ireland.
We laughably talk about attracting high-end industry when we dismally produce graduates more interested in media studies than science or engineering. And even if we had the graduates to offer to the corporate visitors, how will they run their state-of-the-art businesses when our infrastructure is of third-world standard.
The most important item of infrastructure, (no, not Dundrum Shopping Centre!) a decent broadband system, is critical to attracting industry to Ireland. We have ignored the development of this vital tool to business to the eternal shame of our politicians and so-called policy thinkers. We are left with a country bereft of the most basic requirement of any industry considering locating in Ireland.
The IDA will talk the big talk in the corporate boardrooms of the USA and the Far East, but the reality is that without proper broadband capacity, the company jets will fly over Ireland to better places with lower cost and modern infrastructure.
They will not land in Ireland because they can’t.
Without broadband development, we built the glossy airport terminal but forgot the bloody runway!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Brotherhood will eat dirt yet!

God created man, so we are told. And when God created man, he ensured that we came upon earth with many flaws. Why He done this we are not sure but it will explain all in the next life, the Bible assures us.
What I cannot understand is the reason for this. Why not explain it to us in this life? Then we might be able to something about those defects we all have. We could try to fix them by some means perhaps and arrive up to Him in a bit better state than he deposited us here.
We all have flaws, some in amount more than others have, some with very few but what they have are seriously lethal flaws. Some are murderers, thieves and rapists (very bad); some are alcoholics or drug addicts (not so bad) and then some are members of trade unions (the worst).
Nowhere is the flaws and deeply ingrained, twisted mentality that refuses to recognise even partially such flaws more evident than in Irish trade union members. The brotherhood is a deeply troubled species that nature should have long made extinct.
The country is currently in meltdown, the Government coffers are empty, the private companies are going to the wall but the unions want the bloody rises that they extracted from Bertie Ahern two years ago when times were supposedly good.
For the last fifteen years, the stuffed union piglets sucked at the teats of large corporate Ireland sow, bleeding the udder dry. Not content with that they then embarked on attacking the tiny incapable sows of the everyday small businesses of Ireland until they too succumbed to their insatiable desire.
Now there are no sows left in Ireland but the greedy union piglets still want feeding.
In fact, they fed so well throughout the Celtic Tiger days that they have all grown beards. All that nutrition has made the union piglet leaders hairy. It also made them dumb!
The party is over and they are in denial. They want a 6% rise when inflation is at practically zero. They are the highest paid workers on average in all sectors in Europe and they are still not happy. They killed the Golden Goose or should that be the Platinum Sow? Nobody wants to locate a business in Ireland any more. Irish entrepreneurs now build business abroad where they are welcomed by open minded and sensible workers, devoid of the farcical union domination of industry in Ireland.
I have news for you deeply flawed animals. You fools and your minions are about to get a dose of reality. Ireland is closed for business. You greedy bastards pulled the shutters down and now your cosseted life is over. Not that is any consolation for the businesses you ruined. But those people who actually kept you in luxury will rise again for they are made of resilient stuff. And when they do, you will have no part of it. You will starve or do as the pig does when faced with such a situation.
The pig is the only animal in the world that when hungry will eat his own shit. Have a nice time lads. The beards will probably help.
And when ye all eventually die off, there a fellow up behind where God sits, with a big fork, a big tail and a very big burning furnace into which he will feck the whole lot of you!
So the bible says anyway.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 predictions for Ireland

The New Year is here and we don’t know whether to laugh or cry, celebrate or mourn. We in Ireland wave goodbye to 2008 with all of its depressing lows only in the certain knowledge that 2009 will be much worse. This time next year 2008 will seem like a great year.
The calamities of 2008 are the foundation stone of what lies ahead. Unfortunately, the same shower of fools and incompetents that supposedly run this country are the link between the two years. They are still in power – that’s the only link - and one which most of us would like to sever.
The administration of the country has been exposed for what it is; incompetent, corrupt and festooned with a golden circle of bankers, bureaucrats and politicians all intertwined in the business of extracting the fattest farthing from the most hapless victims and in doing so condemning the country to a depression unlike we have ever seen.
Greed was the common denominator of those in power and those with the money. Our Government is not possessed of a decent negotiator to look the banks in the eye when trying to rescue them. The banks got their guarantees and re-capitalized on their very generous terms. They laughed up their sleeves coming out of meetings with Cowen and Cowards Unlimited (CCU).
At this time, Ireland makes Haiti look positively democratic and corruption- free. CCU is happy to allow the banks walk all over them and in order to pay for it they deny 12-year old girls a miracle cervical cancer vaccine that would cost €10 million.
So what is the future? Well, how about this scenario, not in any chronological order?
CCU are shafted, partly from within, in the aftermath of the June local Elections in which support for Fianna Fail disintegrates. In the General election that follows, Fine Gael become the largest political party, mainly for the reason that they possess the most talented economist and Finance Minister in Richard Bruton, and having him in that position is the only reason that leader Enda Kenny becomes Taoiseach. They manage to form a Government with the aid of defected Fianna Failers and loose independents.
Not that this changes anything.
By June, 650,000 are on the dole, Civil Service worker are refusing to do anything because they have had to take pay cuts. Nobody notices this.
The IMF is in control of the country. The medical service has collapsed. Foreign aid from Latvia and Poland help with food supplies. Zimbabwe sends medical supplies. Houses fall to an average of €1.23 each with those in the leafier Dublin suburbs fetching €2.50.
Massive emigration means that countries such as Australia introduce a ban on Irish entering the country. We go to Russia instead where we are welcomed and put to work at menial tasks in return for food and shelter. As a quid pro quo, Russia takes over Ireland and uses it as site for nuclear missile launchers.
By then it is Christmas and we all write to Santa Claus.
Happy New Year!